What is “appium ” package ?

Appium for Mac can control the native user interface of Mac applications using Selenium / WebDriver and the OS X Accessibility API. The way to start a session using the Mac driver is to include the platformName capability in your new session request, with the value Mac. Also, ensure that you set the deviceName capability to Mac as well. Of course, you must also include appropriate platformVersion and app capabilities, at a minimum.

Installation Steps:

  1. Open Terminal using Spotlight search by pressing  <command+space>.
    Type terminal and hit  Enter key.
  2. Now, run
    ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)” < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  3. Install appium using brew
    brew install appium

appium is ready to use now!

Steps that need to follow:

  1. install xcode
  2. install xcode command line tool
  3. install Appium GUI *.dmg file Appium
  4. Install homebrew (assuming you have ruby installed on your mac, if not install ruby first)
  5. Install Java (it should come with mac OS)
  6. Install node and Maven using brew command from terminal
  7. Install Appium server using node
    • npm install –g appium
    • appium &
  8. Authorize your iOS simulator and device to access by Appium by typing the command from terminal: sudo authorize_ios